冬の長い夜 京の底冷えの寒さを
大切な人 素敵な仲間と
時間を忘れて すごしてみませんか?(囲炉裏は10月初め~5月中旬迄、炭、網、炙りものをご用意いたします。)
京都洛北 叡山電鉄 修学院駅から徒歩1分
徒歩圏内には曼衆院 詩仙堂 修学院離宮 八大神社 宝ヶ池など
近郊には世界遺産の下鴨神社や上賀茂神社 金閣寺 銀閣寺など観光アクセスの良い立地の京洛北
頂上からの眺めは 西には京都の街並み その奥には大阪市街
東には滋賀近江 琵琶湖が一望できます
叡山電鉄より北には床の名所で名高い水の神を祀る貴船神社 日本有数のパワースポット鞍馬山
南には京阪電車乗り換えもスムーズで錦市場 祇園 八坂神社 清水寺 高台寺 伏見稲荷大社と京都観光一番人気の場所へも足を伸ばしてみてはいかがですか
宿yaはお客さまが長期滞在したくなるような 寛ぎ 癒しの旅の宿をご提供致します
“YADO-ya” in the heart of the Rakuhoku area of Kyoto, is just a one minute walk from the Shugakuin Eizan train station.
We are located in the idyllic setting of the Takano River, the hotel is surrounded by nature.
The hotel is ideally located both for tourists and merchants using the Ohara and Mackerel Road, the main highway used to transport fresh fish and seafood to Kyoto in ancient times.
Many famous attractions are within walking distance of the hotel; Manshuin, Shisendo, Shugakuin Imperial Villa, & the Hatidai Shrine.
The World Cultural Heritage sites of Shimogamo and the Kamigamo Shrine are also close neighbors.
For hikers, the popular trail entrance to Mount Hiei is nearby, providing spectacular views of Kyoto, Osaka, Lake Biwa and Shiga.
We are also located close to one of the most spiritual places in all of Japan, Mt. Kurama. Home to the Kifune enshrined deity of water and famous for “Yuka”.
Enjoy open air dining on or by the river.
Easily accessible is the Rakuhoku area with many famous sightseeing spots such as Kinkaku and Ginkaku.
Popular local attractions accessible by train or bus are the Nishiki market, Gion, Yasaka Shrine, Kiyomizu Temple, Kodaiji and Fushimi Inari.
At Yado-ya we hope to provide a comfortable & relaxing environment for your entire stay. We look forward to welcoming you!
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